Statement on Draft Bill of Amendments to the Protection of Classified Information Act
On August 19, 2019, AIP uploaded its statement on proposed amendments to the Protection of Classified Information Act on the government Public Consultations website www.strategy.bg.
AIP is critical about provisions aiming to prolong the terms for classification of information and the classification of certain categories of information which might have considerably impaired the right of access to information.
In August 2019, analysis on the proposed amendments was disseminated by AIP blog Access Point: Legislative Amendments Proposed by the Government Threaten to Make It Uncontrollably Secret - by Alexander Kashumov, Head of AIP Legal Team.
PDFAIP is critical about provisions aiming to prolong the terms for classification of information and the classification of certain categories of information which might have considerably impaired the right of access to information.
In August 2019, analysis on the proposed amendments was disseminated by AIP blog Access Point: Legislative Amendments Proposed by the Government Threaten to Make It Uncontrollably Secret - by Alexander Kashumov, Head of AIP Legal Team.
Statement to the Constitutional Court on Constitutional Case No.4/2019
As a result of its leading role in the public debate on the risks about the freedom of information and expression after the February 20, 2019 amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act, AIP was among the organizations invited to submit written statement in the Constitutional Case No.4/2019, initiated by 55 members of parliament challenging the provision of Article 25h, Para 2 of the Personal Data Protection Act which introduced 10 criteria which should be verified by journalists in the release of data. AIP submitted its statement on July 30, 2019.
By Decision No. 8 on the 15th of November 2019, the Constitutional Court (CC) declared unconstitutional the provision of Article 25h, Para 2 of the Personal Data Protection Act.
PDFBy Decision No. 8 on the 15th of November 2019, the Constitutional Court (CC) declared unconstitutional the provision of Article 25h, Para 2 of the Personal Data Protection Act.
Statement on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act
On January 16, 2019, the AIP submitted its statement on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act to the Parliamentary Committee on Internal Security and Public Order and the Head of AIP Legal Team Alexander Kashumov presented AIP recommendations at the session of the committee on January 23, 2019. The main concern expressed by the AIP was the possible overregulation of the personal data protection at the expense of the freedom of information, and respectively, the freedom of expression. Some texts in the draft law were edited in line with the AIP recommendations. The National Assembly adopted the Draft Law on January 24, 2019. A wide public and media campaign followed especially criticizing the introduction of 10 criteria which should be verified by journalists in the release of data.
The 2019 Big Brother award for a public body was symbolically given at a ceremony organized by the AIP and the Internet Society – Bulgaria on February 3, 2019 to the National Assembly for the adoption of the restrictive requirements to journalists.
On February 4, 2019, the President imposed a veto on the adopted draft law with the main arguments in line with the AIP recommendations and criticism. The veto was overcome by the National Assembly and the Draft Law on Amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act was adopted on February 20, 2019.
PDFThe 2019 Big Brother award for a public body was symbolically given at a ceremony organized by the AIP and the Internet Society – Bulgaria on February 3, 2019 to the National Assembly for the adoption of the restrictive requirements to journalists.
On February 4, 2019, the President imposed a veto on the adopted draft law with the main arguments in line with the AIP recommendations and criticism. The veto was overcome by the National Assembly and the Draft Law on Amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act was adopted on February 20, 2019.