Legal Opinion on the Bill on the Protection of the Environment, Drafted by the Ministry of Environment and Water
The Legal Opinion On the Bill on the Protection of the Environment, Chapter Two - concerning the access to information), Drafted by the Ministry of Environment and Water
October 2001.
FileOctober 2001.
The opinion is based on the comparison of the existing national legislation:
- Protection of the Environment Act - Promulgated in The State Gazette, No. 86 of 18 October 1991; Latest amendments, The State Gazette, No. 26 of 20 March 2001;
- Access to Public Information Act of 7 July 2000;
- Other laws regulating restrictions on the right of access to information, as well as draft legislation in the same sphere;
- the relevant acquis communautaire, more specifically: Directive 90/313;
- Proposal for Directive of the European Parliament and the Council for Public Access to Environmental Information (2000) 402,
- and the international multilateral agreements setting standards in this sphere: Aarhus Convention on the Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice on Environmental Matters (non-ratified).
Analysis of the Montenegrin draft Access to Information Law
Analysis of the Montenegrin draft Access to Information Law with regard to the provisions of the Public Information Law and the international Standards for the freedom of information.