Comments on proposed amendments to the Regulations on Access to the Documents of the Financial Supervision Commission
In August 2015, the AIP published in its monthly e-Newletter comments on proposed amendments to the Regulations on Access to the Documents of the Financial Supervision Commission that would have contradicted the legal regulations and the established court practices and would have created obstacles before public access to information.
The comments weres written by the Head of the AIP Legal Team: Are Amendments to the Financial Supervision Commission Regulations on Access to Information Threatening the Rights of Citizens?
FileThe comments weres written by the Head of the AIP Legal Team: Are Amendments to the Financial Supervision Commission Regulations on Access to Information Threatening the Rights of Citizens?
Comments on the Draft Law on Preventing Corruption of High Government Officials
In June 2015, the head of the AIP legal team Alexander Kashumov prepared comments on the Draft Law on Preventing Corruption of High Government Officials (in Bulgarian) which were published and disseminated via the June 2015 issue of AIP FOI Newsletter to 2,400 subscribers.
FileStatement on a Bill of Amendments to the Access to Public Information Act
AIP submitted its statement (in Bulgarian) and took part in the sessions of the parliamentary committees responsible for the Bill on APIA Amendments, introduced in the National Assembly on April 29, 2015.
On May 14, 2015, at the session of the Parliamentary Committee on Regional Policy, Public Works and Local Self-government;
On May 21, 2015, at the session of the Public Council at the Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and Citizens’ Complaints Committee;
On May 27, 2015, at the session of the Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Committee and at the European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds Committee; and
On May 28, 2015, AIP statement was presented at the session of the leading Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and Citizens’ Complaints Committee.
PDFOn May 14, 2015, at the session of the Parliamentary Committee on Regional Policy, Public Works and Local Self-government;
On May 21, 2015, at the session of the Public Council at the Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and Citizens’ Complaints Committee;
On May 27, 2015, at the session of the Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Committee and at the European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds Committee; and
On May 28, 2015, AIP statement was presented at the session of the leading Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and Citizens’ Complaints Committee.
Statement on the Draft Law on the Public Procurement
On May 13, 2015, AIP published its statement on the Draft Law on the Public Procurement (in Bulgarian) within the public consultation on the draft law (See the Government Consultation Portal). AIP emphasizes some setbacks for transparency in the proposed draft law and calls for compliance with higher standards for publicity of public procurements.