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Global Monitoring of Compliance with Freedom of Information Laws - Bulgaria
In 2003, the team of AIP was part of an international global monitoring projects for assessing the freedom of information practices. The survey methodology was developed by Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI). The 2003 Global Monitoring Pilot Survey was carried out by national teams in five countries - Armenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Peru, and South Africa. The analysis of the results from the 2003 Global Monitoring is available on the web site of the Open Society Justice Initiative.
In Bulgaria the monitoring started on May 2003 (7th and 19th) with the filing of a total of one hundred requests to eighteen institutions by ten requestors. The second stage of the monitoring started in July with promotion requests, filed by the heads of the
national teams. The third monitoring stage was a structured interview with the information officials in the institutions, selected in the first two request stages.
Analyses of the results from Bulgaria is part of AIP annual report Access to Public Information in Bulgaria 2003.
In 2003, the team of AIP was part of an international global monitoring projects for assessing the freedom of information practices. The survey methodology was developed by Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI). The 2003 Global Monitoring Pilot Survey was carried out by national teams in five countries - Armenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Peru, and South Africa. The analysis of the results from the 2003 Global Monitoring is available on the web site of the Open Society Justice Initiative.
In Bulgaria the monitoring started on May 2003 (7th and 19th) with the filing of a total of one hundred requests to eighteen institutions by ten requestors. The second stage of the monitoring started in July with promotion requests, filed by the heads of the
national teams. The third monitoring stage was a structured interview with the information officials in the institutions, selected in the first two request stages.
Analyses of the results from Bulgaria is part of AIP annual report Access to Public Information in Bulgaria 2003.