2024: Active Transparancy Rating of the administrative courts201820172016201520142012201320112010200920082007200620042003200220012000
Public Registers Situation - report in PDF
The report published in February 2000 outlines the condition of public registers, both from the point of view of public authorities and of information seekers. It contains a systematic overview of the regulated registers in Bulgaria. The selection of the registers studied was aimed at facilitating public access to the greatest extent, which is why we chose the registers for which the demand for information was highest.
The report published in February 2000 outlines the condition of public registers, both from the point of view of public authorities and of information seekers. It contains a systematic overview of the regulated registers in Bulgaria. The selection of the registers studied was aimed at facilitating public access to the greatest extent, which is why we chose the registers for which the demand for information was highest.