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The Year of The Rational Ignorance: Results from a sociological survey „Fulfillment of the Obligations under APIA by the Bodies of the Executive Power 2002”
The report on the results of the sociological survey “Fulfillment of the Obligations under APIA by the Bodies of the Executive Power 2002” outlines developments in the implementation of the Access to Public Information Act during the previous year. The survey was carried out within the period October 10 – 30, 2002 and covered all central bodies of the executive power and their territorial branches, as defined by the Administration Act and listed in the Register of the Administrative structures. Also, interviews with officials from the 101 largest municipalities
in Bulgaria by population were carried out. Out of the 394 institutions addressed for cooperation, 308 agreed to respond. In the rest of the cases, a silent or explicit refusal was given.
The Year of The Rational Ignorance: Results from a sociological survey „Fulfillment of the Obligations under APIA by the Bodies of the Executive Power 2002” in PDF.
Results from the survey are also part of the annual report Current Situation of Access to Information In Bulgaria 2002.
The report on the results of the sociological survey “Fulfillment of the Obligations under APIA by the Bodies of the Executive Power 2002” outlines developments in the implementation of the Access to Public Information Act during the previous year. The survey was carried out within the period October 10 – 30, 2002 and covered all central bodies of the executive power and their territorial branches, as defined by the Administration Act and listed in the Register of the Administrative structures. Also, interviews with officials from the 101 largest municipalities
in Bulgaria by population were carried out. Out of the 394 institutions addressed for cooperation, 308 agreed to respond. In the rest of the cases, a silent or explicit refusal was given.
The Year of The Rational Ignorance: Results from a sociological survey „Fulfillment of the Obligations under APIA by the Bodies of the Executive Power 2002” in PDF.
Results from the survey are also part of the annual report Current Situation of Access to Information In Bulgaria 2002.