Home > Surveys > 2014

Results by Institution

answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
no response (3947 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3947 days)
answered (22 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
issued decision
no response (3947 days)
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
answered (16 days)
access to information denied
answered (21 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered (21 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3947 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3947 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3947 days)
answered (26 days)
access to information denied
issued decision
answered (16 days)
access to information denied
no response (3947 days)
no response (3947 days)
answered (21 days)
information received
issued decision
no response (3947 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
partial access
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
no response (3949 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3949 days)
answered on time
information received
answered (15 days)
information received
answered on time
information received
answered (44 days)
information received
issued decision
no response (3949 days)
answered on time
issued decision
no response (3949 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
answered (18 days)
information received
answered on time
information received
answered (37 days)
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
no response (3950 days)
answered (63 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
issued decision
no response (3956 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
clarifications requested
no response (3950 days)
answered (15 days)
access to information denied
clarifications requested
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
clarifications requested
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
answered (20 days)
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
answered (15 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered (17 days)
clarifications requested
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
no response (3956 days)
answered (15 days)
information received
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
partial access
no response (3952 days)
answered (27 days)
deadline extended
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
no response (3955 days)
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
information received
answered (17 days)
access to information denied
issued decision
answered on time
information received
no response (3952 days)
no response (3956 days)
answered on time
information received
answered (17 days)
access to information denied
no response (3955 days)
answered (16 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered (17 days)
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered (16 days)
information received
no response (3955 days)
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
partial access
deadline extended
answered (28 days)
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
no response (3955 days)
no response (3949 days)
answered (17 days)
access to information denied
deadline extended
answered (16 days)
information received
clarifications requested
no response (3949 days)
answered on time
partial access
no response (3949 days)
no response (3949 days)
answered on time
partial access
clarifications requested
answered on time
information received
answered (231 days)
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
answered on time
partial access
answered (34 days)
partial access
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3954 days)
answered on time
partial access
no response (3955 days)
answered (16 days)
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
no response (3955 days)
answered (28 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered (27 days)
information received
deadline extended
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
no response (3953 days)
answered (16 days)
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3953 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
answered (15 days)
access to information denied
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered (17 days)
partial access
deadline extended
no response (3956 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
deadline extended
issued decision
answered (18 days)
partial access
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
answered (16 days)
partial access
answered (15 days)
issued decision
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
clarifications requested
answered (15 days)
information received
issued decision
no response (3952 days)
answered (16 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered (15 days)
information received
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered (15 days)
information received
answered (62 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
deadline extended
answered on time
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
deadline extended
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered on time
information received
no response (3950 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered (15 days)
information received
issued decision
no response (3953 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
answered (19 days)
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3953 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3953 days)
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3954 days)
no response (3954 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
issued decision
answered (25 days)
partial access
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered (20 days)
information received
answered (16 days)
information received
no response (3954 days)
answered on time
access to information denied
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered (19 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
issued decision
answered (147 days)
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
answered (20 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
issued decision
answered (19 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
answered (16 days)
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered on time
information received
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3952 days)
answered (17 days)
issued decision
answered (43 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered (21 days)
issued decision
no response (3947 days)
answered on time
information received
answered (36 days)
clarifications requested
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3954 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered (21 days)
issued decision
answered (16 days)
issued decision
answered (58 days)
issued decision
answered on time
issued decision
answered (42 days)
issued decision
answered (42 days)
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered (18 days)
information received
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
issued decision
answered (41 days)
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
clarifications requested
answered on time
access to information denied
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
deadline extended
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
deadline extended
issued decision
answered (20 days)
information received
answered (30 days)
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
deadline extended
issued decision
answered (19 days)
access to information denied
answered (28 days)
information received
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
answered (16 days)
access to information denied
clarifications requested
answered on time
partial access
answered (16 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered (79 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered (17 days)
information received
issued decision
no response (3956 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered (15 days)
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
clarifications requested
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
partial access
issued decision
answered (28 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered (15 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
deadline extended
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered (24 days)
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered (22 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered (19 days)
information received
issued decision
answered on time
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
partial access
deadline extended
issued decision
answered (230 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered (51 days)
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered (162 days)
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered (26 days)
issued decision
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
no response (3952 days)
answered (25 days)
issued decision
no response (3954 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
clarifications requested
answered on time
information received
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
clarifications requested
no response (3949 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
no response (3952 days)
no response (3952 days)
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered (16 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
no response (3954 days)
no response (3954 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
no response (3954 days)
no response (3954 days)
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
deadline extended
issued decision
answered (17 days)
partial access
clarifications requested
no response (3956 days)
answered on time
information received
clarifications requested
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered (19 days)
information received
issued decision
no response (3954 days)
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
access to information denied
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
no response (3952 days)
no response (3952 days)
answered on time
clarifications requested
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered (18 days)
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
answered (23 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered (20 days)
partial access
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
no response (3954 days)
no response (3949 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
answered (20 days)
information received
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
partial access
answered (20 days)
partial access
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
answered on time
partial access
answered on time
information received
answered on time
information received
issued decision
answered (23 days)
partial access
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
access to information denied
no response (3955 days)
answered (15 days)
partial access
deadline extended
issued decision
answered on time
information received
answered (15 days)
information received
no response (3949 days)
answered (18 days)
partial access
answered on time
information received
issued decision
no response (3955 days)
answered on time
information received
no response (3955 days)
no response (3955 days)