After the office was sued under the APIA, the Commission for Prevention and Ascertainment of Conflict of Interest also penalized it

Stela Kovacheva, AIP coordinator in the region of Razgrad

AIP coordinator in the region of Razgrad Stela Kovacheva reports on the decision of the Commission of Prevention and Ascertainment of Conflict of Interest to fine the Director of the Regional Office of Social Insurance in Razgrad for assigning higher bonuses to the monthly remuneration of his sister, an employee within the same administration.


Kovacheva reminds that the director has been sued after a silent refusal of information in 2009. Then, the Center for NGOs in Razgrad had requested information about the assigning, the contractor and the cost of the construction of an external glass elevator at the building of the Regional Office to facilitate the access of the handicapped to the fourth floor of the building where the services they needed were provided.  The NGO also suggested that the offices be moved to the ground floor. After the silent refusal, the NGO filed an appeal and won the case in court.


Kovacheva thus questions the director’s willingness to turn to that same court to appeal the decision of the Commission of Prevention and Ascertainment of Conflict of Interest.

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