Darina Palova, AIP

AIP attorney-at-law Darina Palova comments on the effective regulations on the costs due for the provision of access to information.


The emphasis is on the new Order No.1472 of the Ministry of Finance from November 29, 2011 for determining the fees for disclosure of public information under the Access to Public Information Act, promulgated in State Gazette, issue 89 from December 13, 2011, which repeals Order 10 of the Ministry of Finance for determining the fees for disclosure of public information from January 10, 2001.


The order determines lower fees for disclosure of information on CD and on a floppy disk. The order provides for the possibility to obtain the information on a DVD. The price is 0.60 BGN per copy. The disclosure of information verbally or in electronic form (by e-mail) is free of charge. The amendments reflect the AIP recommendations to update and lower the charges stated several times in our annual reports on the access to information in Bulgaria. The new fees came into force on January 1, 2012.               


Special attention is given to the provision of information by e-mail which should be free but there are still doubts from the part of the administration about that.

The whole comment in Bulgarian.

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