From the Company Register to Register of Layers raised in cages not equal to the requirements for the height and the gradient

Gergana Jouleva, AIP Executive Director

The purpose of the web portal was to facilitate public access to datasets held by authorities which shall be available, up-to-date, and accessible. The first review of the public registers state was done by AIP team in 2000, before the Access to Public Information Act was adopted. [1] Although information from public datasets is one of the most demanded information according the official statistic, seekers are not always aware where they may find it. At, one can find description and direct links to the online accessible public registers, as well as a description of the others which shall be public.

The portal incorporates the results of the review of 131 laws and more than 150 secondary legal acts related to the creation and maintaining of public registers in Bulgaria.

Results from the initial phase of the survey on national registers started in the summer of 2011 show that 89 authorities shall hold and maintain 320 public registers. There is an explicit obligation for the online maintaining of 130. Nonetheless, AIP researchers have identified 245 online accessible public registers.

Besides the name of the public register, the institution responsible for the maintaining of the public register, the law under which the public register shall be maintained with a quotation of the relevant legal provision, as well as a quotation of the secondary legal act regulating the maintaining and the access, one can find the direct Internet address to the register if online accessible and a description of the content of each public register.

At the, one can also find information about the regime of access – free online, paid, after registration; the format in which the public register is maintained – Interactive Data Base, Word, Excel, Html; the search possibilities; indication of a last update.

We believe that this portal will help everybody who would like to know how the government bodies perform their functions of the registering, licensing and controlling what citizens and companies are doing. In many cases, as for example, online registration in National database of Public (State and Municipalities) Schools and Kindergartens, gives a completely different and optimistic way, compared to the past, to have your child in Public Kindergarten.  

The full article in Bulgarian: AIP Created and Launched



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