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In 2013, the Jury decided to recognize the National Movement “Ekoglasnost” with the Golden Key award as the NGO which most actively exercised the right to information.
The NM “Ekoglasnost” has purposefully, consistently and persistently used the APIA to cast light on topics related to the nuclear power energy sector. The NM “Ekoglasnost” has used the APIA as a tool for collecting not only information for public campaigns, but also for evidence in the court to prove violation of the law which affects the fundamental human right to healthy environment.
During 2013, NM Ekoglasnost works on two cases of extreme public significance:
1. The risk safeguards of the reconstruction of the mini nuclear power reactor of the Bulgarian Academy of Science in the territory of a neighborhood in the capital of Sofia. Mr. Penchev presented as evidence a document obtained by the use of the APIA in a court cases against the lawfulness of a decision of the Ministry of the Environment and Waters approving of an Environmental Impact Assessment report. The presented evidence was a letter from the Ministry of Health that the opinion of the latter had not been sought with regard to the preparation of the EIA report. After 3 years of court proceedings, the court repealed the decision of the Ministry of the Environment and Waters.
2. The efficiency of the Plant for separation and composting of municipal waste in landfill for non-hazardous waste in Montana
Quote from the nomination of the National Movement Ekoglasnost for the award: The work of Petar Penchev on the above cases on behalf of the NM Ekoglasnost has shown that on the first place, civil society should be persistent in their fights for the public welfare and being such, their efforts are successful. Second, the judicial system functions as an independent power and is an effective defender of law and fundamental rights. Third, every citizen and legal person has the right to appeal decisions which might harm their right to healthy environment pursuant to the Aarhus Convention. Forth, the Access to Public Information Act is an important tool (weapon) for obtaining documents which prove wrongdoings in government.
The interview with Petar Penchev in Bulgarian: http://www.aip-bg.org/publications/Бюлетин/Петър_Пенчев_ЗДОИ_е_единственото_ми_оръжие/100202/1000278077/.