Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life
July 2014 – July 2017
Financed by America for Bulgaria Foundation
The America for Bulgaria Foundation assists in strengthening a vibrant market economy and the institutions of democratic society in Bulgaria, helping the country to realize its full potential as a successful, modern European nation. The America for Bulgaria Foundation seeks to enhance the longstanding legacy of goodwill and friendship between the American and Bulgarian people and through many of its programs, to promote the US – Bulgaria people-to-people contacts and exchange of ideas and resources. The Foundation represents the generous face of the American people and embodies the highest standards of US ethical conduct, transparency, and core values.
Support for Access to Information Programme Foundation is provided by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. The statements and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the AIP and do not necessarily reflect the views of the America for Bulgaria Foundation or its affiliates.
The goals of the project are to:
- To advocate for better access to information legislation, especially with regard to the proactive disclosure of public information on the base of systematic monitoring of legislation and implementation practices;
- To advocate for improvement of proactive disclosure of public information and implementation of active transparency standards, especially related to budget and financial openness, public procurement, distribution of EU funds, city development plans;
- To support seekers of access to government held information, especially in cases of overriding public interest;
- To raise public awareness and disseminate knowledge on the right to information;
- To support investigative journalism for enhancing government accountability and transparency;
- To cooperate and network for increased government accountability and transparency at all levels;
- To strengthen AIP position and develop its capacity as a Civil Center for Support of Transparency.
- Advocate for better FOI legislation on the base of permanent monitoring on ATI related and secondary legislation, submit comments and recommendations and engage in public debate
- Monitoring of access to information implementation practices, Annual audit on 535 institutional web sites, launch of the Active Transparency Rating and formulation of recommendations in the annual report Access to Information in Bulgaria
- Provision of legal help, including representation in court, to access to information seekers in cases of overriding public interest
- Raising awareness on the right of access to information, encouraging active exercise and public debate on problematic transparency and accountability issues
- Support investigative journalism by awarding investigations on government transparency and accountability
- Cooperation with national and international partners and networks to exchange experience and advocate for enhanced government transparency and accountability.
Access to Information in Bulgaria 2016
Findings and conclusions from the AIP seventeenth annual report were presented at a pressconference held in the Bulgarian News Agency on May 17, 2017. The report contains: ?
- recommendations related to the access to information legal framework and its implementation;
- assessment of the regulations in the access to information area;
- analysis of the results from the assessment of the proactive transparency of 566 institutions for 2017;
- analyses of the access to information cases referred to AIP for legal help and consultation during 2016;
- tendencies in the court practices on access to information cases in 2016 and summaries of cases in which AIP has provided court representation.
The 2016 annual report contains 7 Appendices.
Access to Information in Bulgaria 2016, Access to Information Programme, 2017, p. 60, ISSN 1314-0515.
The report is prepared within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.
Text in Bulgarian: http://store.aip-bg.org/publications/ann_rep_bg/report2016.pdf. |
AIP held seminars in Varna and Burgas
On May 11 and 12, 2017, the AIP held two seminars in the cities of Varna and Burgas on How to Apply the Access to Public Information Act - Procedures, Obligations, Implementation.
The lecturers were Gergana Jouleva, AIP Executive Director and the attorneys from the AIP legal team - Alexander Kashumov and Kiril Terziiski. The focus of the seminar were the Access to Public Information Act amendments in force since 2016 - procedure for processing access to information requests, obligations for proactive disclosure of information, restrictions to the access to public information, and the harm test and the balance of interest test in granting or refusing access to information.
Information and pictures from the seminars held in Varna and Burgas were published and disseminated through AIP Monthly FOI Newsletter, May 2017 issue (in Bulgarian).
The seminars are organized within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. |
AIP held seminars in Dobrich and Silistra
On April 20 and 21, 2017, the AIP held two seminars in the cities of Dobrich and Silistra on How to Apply the Access to Public Information Act - Procedures, Obligations, Implementation.
The lecturers were Gergana Jouleva, AIP Executive Director and the attorneys from the AIP legal team - Alexander Kashumov and Kiril Terziiski. The focus of the seminar were the Access to Public Information Act amendments in force since 2016 - procedure for processing access to information requests, obligations for proactive disclosure of information, restrictions to the access to public information, and the harm test and the balance of interest test in granting or refusing access to information.
Information and pictures from the seminars held in Dobrich and Silistra were published and disseminated through AIP Monthly FOI Newsletter, April 2017 issue (in Bulgarian).
The seminars are organized within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. |
2017 Active Transparency Rating
On April 5, 2017, at a press conference in Sofia, the Access to Information Programme presented the results of its 2017 Audit on Institutional web sites in Bulgaria. The 2017 Active Transparency Ratings and the 2017 Budget, Financial Transparency and Integrity of Municipalities Map were launched. Comparative data of the audit show a considerable improvement in the active transparency of public bodies in Bulgaria.??
The results are available here: http://www.aip-bg.org/en/surveys/2017/101257/.
The aim of the audit is to evaluate if the executive bodies fulfill their obligations for proactive publication of information online under the Access to Public Information Act (APIA) and other legal regulations and to assess how they respond to electronic requests.
Analysis of the results are published in the AIP monthly FOI newsletter (in Bulgarian). |
AIP held seminars in Shumen and Ruse
On March 15 and 16, 2017, the AIP held two seminars in the cities of Shumen and Ruse on How to Apply the Access to Public Information Act - Procedures, Obligations, Implementation.
The lecturers were Gergana Jouleva, AIP Executive Director and the attorneys from the AIP legal team - Alexander Kashumov and Kiril Terziiski. The focus of the seminar were the Access to Public Information Act amendments in force since 2016 - procedure for processing access to information requests, obligations for proactive disclosure of information, restrictions to the access to public information, and the harm test and the balance of interest test in granting or refusing access to information.
Information and pictures from the seminars held in Shumen and Ruse were published and disseminated through AIP Monthly FOI Newsletter, March 2017 issue (in Bulgarian).
The seminars are organized within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.
Third Competition for Investigative Journalists
On January 30, 2017, the AIP launched the third round of the competition for investigative journalists. The call was meant for journalists from local and regional media only with the aim to provide support for their work. Five project proposals were selected by the jury out of a total of 22 submitted project propals. Journalists have three months to complete their investigations and receive financial and legal support to complete their work. The articles based on their investigations will be published in the section “Investigations” on AIP specialized web site Access to Information and Journalistic Investigations:www.ati-journalists.net.
Information Days in Targovishte and Razgrad
On 27 and 28 October 2016, the Access to Information Programme held two Access to Information Days in the towns of Targovishte and Razgrad respectively. 54 representatives of regional and local administration, NGOs, journalists, and citizens from the two towns took part in the events organized by AIP.
Information and pictures from the meetings held in the towns of Yambol and Sliven were published and disseminated through AIP Monthly FOI Newsletter, October 2016 issue (in Bulgarian).
The Information Days are organized within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. |
Information Days in Yambol and Sliven
On 14 and 15 June 2016, the Access to Information Programme held two Access to Information Days in the towns of Yambol and Sliven ?respectively. 57 representatives of regional and local administration, NGOs, journalists, and citizens from the two towns took part in the events organized by AIP.
Within the Access to Information Day, the AIP holds two events – a seminar for representatives of public bodies focusing on access to information legislation and implementation practices and a workshop with requestors focusing on practical skills how to exercise one’s right to information.
Information and pictures from the meetings held in the towns of Yambol and Sliven were published and disseminated through AIP Monthly FOI Newsletter, June 2016 issue (in Bulgarian).
The Information Days are organized within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. |
Information Days in Smolyan and Stara Zagora
On 13 and 18 May 2016, the Access to Information Programme held two Access to Information Days in the towns of Smolyan and Stara Zagora ?respectively. 53 representatives of regional and local administration, NGOs, journalists, and citizens from the two towns took part in the events organized by AIP.
Within the Access to Information Day, the AIP holds two events – a seminar for representatives of public bodies focusing on access to information legislation and implementation practices and a workshop with requestors focusing on practical skills how to exercise one’s right to information.
Information and pictures from the meetings held in the towns of Smolyan and Stara Zagora are published and disseminated through AIP Monthly FOI Newsletter, May 2016 issue (in Bulgarian).
The Information Days are organized within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. |
2016 Active Transparency Rating
On April 26, 2016, at a press conference in Sofia, the Access to Information Programme presented the results of its 2016 Audit on Institutional web sites in Bulgaria.
The focus of the 2016 Audit on institutional web sites is on the new obligations for proactive publication of information online introduced by the December 2015 amendments to the APIA which came into effect on January 12, 2016. The administration had 3 months for preparation.
The updated 2016 Active Transparency Rating and the 2016 Budget, Financial Transparency and Integrity of Municipalities Map were launched. In the lack of a public body to coordinate and control the implementation of the APIA, including the obligations for proactive publication of information, the AIP Audit serves as a model publication scheme for public bodies to increase their active transparency.
Pictures from the press conference: http://www.aip-bg.org/en/about/gallery/103418/. |
AIP released the annual report Access to Information in Bulgaria 2015
Findings and conclusions from the AIP sixteenth annual report were presented at a pressconference held in the Bulgarian News Agency on April 5, 2016. The report contains:
- recommendations related to the access to information legal framework and its implementation, as well as other obligations granting transparency;
- detailed review of the amendments to the Access to Public Information Act (APIA) as of December 2015;
- analysis of the 2015 APIA amendments with regard to the proactive publication of information online;
- what are the institutions addressed and what type of information was sought by the requestors who turned for legal help to AIP in 2015;
- tendencies in the court practices on access to information cases in 2015 and summaries of cases in which AIP has provided court representation.
Access to Information in Bulgaria 2015, Access to Information Programme, 2016, p. 89, ISSN 1314-0515.
The report is prepared within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.
Second Competition for Investigative Journalists
The AIP launched a second round of the competition for investigative journalists. AIP published the Invitation for Project Proposals on October 23, 2015 (in Bulgarian). The jury of seven renowned public figures announced their decision on December 16, 2015. Nine project proposals for investigations were approved. Journalists had three months to complete their investigations and have received financial and legal support to complete their work. Till the end of March 2016, the nine journalists from national and regional media awarded at the Second Investigative Journalism Competition held by AIP prepared and published 22 articles and series of articles, in national and regional media, blogs, and social media. The publications were based on information obtained using the APIA and public registers with the core help of the AIP legal team. The significance of the investigations was proven by dozens of reprints, thousands of readers, and reactions by the investigated institutions. The articles with accompanying infographics and files of obtained documents in the course of the investigations are published in the section “Investigations” on AIP specialized web site Access to Information and Journalistic Investigations: www.ati-journalists.net.
AIP Held the 13th Right to Know Day Awards Ceremony in Bulgaria
Access to Information Programme held the 13th Right to Know Day Awards Ceremony on 28 September 2015. Nearly a hundred FOI activists from Sofia and the country gathered at the House of Europe in Sofia. The National Ombudsman, Mr. Konstantin Penchev, was a special guest. He addressed the audience, greeting the FOI advocates on the International Right to Know Day. Among the guests were the deputy minister of defense, partner NGOs, journalists, academia; officials from executive bodies and municipalities. ?
The 2015 Right to Know Day Awards Jury selected the winners in six categories out of 37 nominations received through the special web site www.RightToKnowDay.net, AIP e-mail or sent by AIP coordinators in the country.
Interviews with all awardees were published in AIP monthly FOI Newsletter (in Bulgarian): http://www.aip-bg.org/publications/Бюлетин/.
The organization and holding of the 2014 Right to Know Day Awards ceremony was with the support of America for Bulgaria Foundation within the implementation of the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life. |
15 Years the Access to Public Information Act
On July 7, the Access to Information Programme held a press conference to mark 15 years of the Access to Public Information Act.
In the eve of the 15th anniversary since the adoption of the Access to Public Information Act in Bulgaria, AIP reminded the important moments in the development of the law and the implementation practices.
The APIA was promulgated in the State Gazette on July 7, 2000.
The AIP has been the leading organization in the public debate and the advocacy for the adoption of the law and for its positive amendments in 2002, 2007, and 2008.
The press conference was held within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. |
AIP released the annual report Access to Information in Bulgaria 2014
The report contains:
- analysis of the proposed draft amendments to the Access to Public Information Act with regard to the introduction of the Directive 2013/37/EU on the Re-use of Public Sector Information;
- analysis of the results from the 2015 AIP audit on the active disclosure of public information online by the executive bodies;
- analyses of the access to information cases referred to AIP for legal help and consultation during 2014;
- an overview of the developments in the FOI litigation in 2014, including summaries of cases in which AIP has provided court representation.
The report is prepared within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.
Information Days in Kardzhali and Haskovo
On 3 and 4 June 2015, Access to Information Programme held two Access to Information Days in the towns of Kardzhali and Haskovo respectively. 99 representatives of regional and local administration, NGOs, journalists, and citizens from the two towns took part in the events organized by AIP.
Within the Access to Information Day, the AIP holds two events – a seminar for representatives of public bodies focusing on access to information legislation and implementation practices and a workshop with requestors focusing on practical skills how to exercise one’s right to information.
The Information Days are organized within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by theAmerica for Bulgaria Foundation.
In 2013 and 2014, AIP held Access to Information Days in 10 regional cities in Bulgaria: http://www.aip-bg.org/en/news/Trainings_Conferences/ . |
Information Days in Veliko Tarnovo and Gabrovo
On 13 and 14 May 2015, Access to Information Programme held two Access to Information Days in the towns of Veliko Tarnovo and Gabrovo respectively?. 71 representatives of regional and local administration, NGOs, journalists, and citizens from the two towns took part in the events organized by AIP.
Within the Access to Information Day, the AIP holds two events – a seminar for representatives of public bodies focusing on access to information legislation and implementation practices and a workshop with requestors focusing on practical skills how to exercise one’s right to information.
The Information Days are organized within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.
In 2013 and 2014, AIP held Access to Information Days in 10 regional cities in Bulgaria: http://www.aip-bg.org/en/news/Trainings_Conferences/ . |
Journalistic Investigations 2015
In May 2015, journalists who have won the First AIP Competition for Journalistic Investigations finished their work. Within three months, they performed their investigations and made publications in national and regional media.Their investigations are available on the special section Investigations (in Bulgarian) of AIP web site Access to Information and Journalistic Investigations. The competition was held within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life, supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.
2015 Active Transparency Rating
On April 15, 2015, at a press conference in Sofia, the Access to Information Programme presented the results of its 2015 Audit on Institutional web sites in Bulgaria. The updated 2015 Active Transparency Rating and the 2015 Budget, Financial Transparency and Integrity of Municipalities Map were launched. In the lack of a public body to coordinate and control the implementation of the APIA, including the obligations for proactive publication of information, the AIP Audit serves as a model publication scheme for public bodies to increase their active transparency.
Pictures from the press conference: http://www.aip-bg.org/about/gallery/104698/.
The survey was performed within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life supported by a grant from the America for Bulgaria Foundation. |
AIP Held the Annual Meeting with Its Coordinators
On February 20, 2015 in Sofia, Access to Information Programme held the annual meeting with the journalists of its country-wide coordinators' network.After the opening words by the coordinator of the network, Nikolay Ninov, the journalists outlined the current situation of the access to information in the country. They presented statistics of the requests filed to the municipalities and the regional structures of the executive power bodies; the attitude of the administration towards the requestors; characteristics of the issued refusals, access to information litigation of citizens, journalists and NGOs.
AIP presented the Coordinator of the Year award to Tsvetan Todorov, AIP coordinator in Lovech. He is acknowledged with the award for a second time for his persistent and effective advocacy work in the region by using the Access to Public Information Act in his journalistic work, going to court to challenge information refusals, assisting requestors, andreporting on access to information developments in the media.
The annual meeting was held within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life supported by a grant from the America for Bulgaria Foundation. |
First Investigative Journalism Competition
Within the implementation of the project, AIP held the first competition for support of journalistic investigations on topics of high public interest. Among the requirements is that the investigations are done with the help of the Access to Public Information Act. AIP published the Invitation for Project Proposals on November 14, 2014 (in Bulgarian). The jury of seven renowned public figures announced their decision on January 12, 2015. Nine project proposals for investigations were approved. They would receive financial and legal support to complete their investigations which will be published on AIP specialized web site Access to Information and Journalistic Investigations: www.ati-journalists.net.