Legal help and advocacy for freedom of information
is a one year project, financially supported by Open Society Foundation
- Sofia.
Objective: Constant monitoring and advocacy
for freedom of information legislation and especially in access to information
The activities on the project include:
Developing and sustaining a network of lawyers in the country through
discussions on freedom of information legislation and access to information
in Bulgaria
Legal help in cases of information refusals on local level
Monitoring the proposed legislation concerning the Access to Public
Information Act
Constant education campaign for explaining the secondary FOI legislation
and AIP proposals
Advocacy for improving the FOI legislation - coordination between
the newly adopted acts and the existing FOI legislation; effectiveness
and compliance of the FOI legislation with the international standards
on access to information
Education for the network of coordinators/journalists and lawyers/
from 26 district regions on the adopted legislation concerning the effective
execution of the rights and fulfillment of the obligations under APIA
and related secondary legislation.