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max. 88.4
Web Site: | |
E-mail Address: | |
Date of Request: | 05.03.2015 |
Request: | no response (3609 days) |
A.1. Is the information pertaining to article 15 of APIA published online? | |
A.1.1. Is the primary and secondary legislation regulating the powers /organization and functioning of the institution available online? | no |
A.1.2. Is the structure of the administration (organogram) published online? | yes |
А.1.3. Are the functions of the institution described? | no |
А.1.4. Is a description of the administrative services provided by the institution published online? | no |
А.1.5. Is a list of normative acts published: regulations, instructions, ordinances? | yes |
Data on the last update? | yes |
А.1.6. Is a list of individual administrative acts published: orders, decisions? | no |
Data on the last update? | [ no data ] |
А.1.6a. Is a list of the decisions of the Municipal Council published? | yes |
Data on the last update? | yes |
А.1.7. Is there information (list) of the registers maintained by the respective institution? | no |
А.1.8. Are registers maintained by the respective institution available on the web site? | no |
Data on the last update? | [ no data ] |
А.1.9. Is there a description of the registers, maintained by the respective institution? | no |
А.1.10. Is information of the department/office responsible for contact with citizens published? | The address The telephone number The e-mail address |
В.1. Is there and Access to Information Section on the web site? | no |
В.1.1. Where did you find the Access to Information section? | [ no data ] |
В.2. Is there information about the office/department responsible under the Access to Public Information Act (APIA)? | no |
B.2.1. What kind of information is available? | |
В.3. Is an annual report on the APIA implementation published? | no |
В.3.1. Does it contain data on the number of requests received? | [ no data ] |
В.3.2. Does it contain data on issued refusals? | [ no data ] |
В.3.2.1. Does it contain the grounds/reasons for the issued refusals? | [ no data ] |
В.3.3. What year does the latest APIA implementation report cover? | |
В.4. Are the Internal Rules for the Implementation of the APIA available online? | no |
В.4.1. Where are they published? | [ no data ] |
В.5. Is there a description of the procedure for access to the public registers maintained by the respective institution? | no |
В.6. Are electronic access to information requests accepted? | yes |
В.7. Is an electronic signature required to submit an access to information request electronically? | no |
C.1. Is the budget of the institution available on the web site? | 2015 |
C.2. Are the financial reports of the institution available on the web site? | |
C.3. Is the institution a first degree budget spending unit? | yes |
С.3.1. Are the monthly reports for the execution of the budget published online? | no |
С.3.2. Are the quarterly reports for the execution of the budget published online? | no |
С.4. Is the institution obliged to use program budgetting (only for ministries, state agencies)? | no |
С.4.1. Is the program budget published online? | [ no data ] |
С.4.2. Is quarterly information about the expenses made under the program budget published? | [ no data ] |
С.4.3. Are bi-annual reports for the execution of the program budget published? | [ no data ] |
С.4.4. Is an annual report for the execution of the program budget published? | [ no data ] |
С.5. Is the institution using program budgeting on its own choice? | no |
C.6. Budget Transparency - for Municipalities only | |
С.6.1. Is the date for the public discussion on the draft municipal budget published? | no |
С.6.2. Is the draft of the municipal budget published? | no |
С.6.3. Is the date for the public discussion on the annual report on the execution of the municipal budget published? | no |
С.6.4. Is the annual report on the execution of the municipal budget published? | no |
С.7. Are the payments made through the Electronic State Budget Payments System (SEBRA) available online? | no |
С.8. Is a Citizens’ Budget published? | no |
C.9. Are activity reports of the institution available on the web site? | |
C.10. Is a list of the officials who have submitted conflict of interests declarations available online? (Art.12 of the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interests)? | no |
C.11. Are the conflict of interest declarations published on the web site? | no |
D.1. Is there a section on the web site where draft normative acts are published? | no |
Data on the last update? | [ no data ] |
D.2. Are development programs and strategies published on the web site? | no |
D.3. Is a list of categories of information subject to classification as official secret published on the web site? | no |
D.4. Is a list of declassified documents published (declassified under § 9 of the Protection of Classified Information Act)? | no |
D.5. Is there a "Buyer profile" section on the web site? | yes |
D.6. Are decisions for opening of procedures and public procurement announcements published on the web site? | yes |
D.7. Are decisions finalizing the procedures for awarding public procurement published on the web site? | no |
D.8. Are public procurement contracts of the institution available on its web site? | no |
D.9. Is there information about payments made on public procurement contracts? | no |
D.10. Is a Draft General Spatial Development Plan published? | no |
D.11. Is the General Spatial Development Plan published? | no |
D.12. Is a Detailed Spatial Development Plan published? | no |
D.13. Is a register of construction permits published online? | no |