05 November 2021

On November 5th, 2021 the practical course "Access to Information and Public Communication" has begun. It is being held by Access to Information Programme (AIP) for students enrolled in journalism and internation business communication at New Bulgarian University and with the partnership of "Media and Communications" department.

Every Friday morning for two months the students will attend lectures online covering the most important aspects of access to information. 

In the first lecture of the practical course Gergana Jouleva, executive director of the AIP made an introduction to the history of the organization founded 24 years ago; the role of AIP as an advocate organization for the right of access to information in Bulgaria; as founder and member of FOIAnet - the Freedom of Information Advocates Network. The students got acquainted with relevant legislation basics, monitoring, campaigns, initiatives.

The course includes 7 lectures and has for lecturers AIP's executive director Gergana Jouleva, attorney-at-law and head of AIP legal team Alexander Kashumov, and attorneys-at-law Stephan Anguelov and Kiril Terziiski. The students's final task is to file an access to information request to a Bulgarian institution concerning a topic of interest. They also have to present the topic, as well as the preparatory research they have carried out and the results of their filed request. All students who have successfully finished the task receive credits and a certificate.


The course is being held within the "Transparency of Administrative Justice" project with the financial support of America for Bulgaria Foundation.