06 January 2015 г.


By Decision No 14701 08 December 2014 (in Bulgarian), the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) upheld the decision of the Administrative Court Sofia – City repealing the refusal of the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's refusal to provide to Dorotheya Dachkova (journalist from “Sega” newspaper) a list of all court and prosecutor clerks, containing their names, the judicial body they are employed by, the date and grounds of their employment.


The journalist challenged the refusal of the SCP with the legal help of Access to Information Programme.


The court held that the information sought does not fall in the “personal data” category since it concerns a public institution, its structure and staff, and not the persons who occupy the respective positions. Disclosure of this information will provide the journalist and the public to form an opinion on Prosecutor’s Office activities, including those on respecting the legal requirements on staff employment.