AIP assists 10 journalists to file a complaint against the remocal of key documents from the web site of the Supreme Administrative Court 26.10.2016
The AIP assisted the submission of a complaint on October 26, 2016 on behalf of 10 journalists from different media against the new rules of the Supreme Administrative Court resulting in the removing of key documents on court cases from the web site of the court.
AIP Joined the Submission of an Intervention as a Third Parti to the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR 30.04.2016
In April 2016, the Access to Information Programme joined Article 19 and the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union in submitting an amicus curiae brief to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), regarding the case of Satakunnan Markkinporssi Oy and Satamedia Oy v Finland.
The SAC Repealed the Refusal of the National Customs Agency 05.02.2016
The refusal was grounded in the lack of the third party’s consent.
Granting access to information in the form of copies of documents is an obligation under the APIA 07.01.2016
By Decision as of 16 December 2015, the Administrative Court – Blagoevgrad repealed the refusal of the Director of the Basin Directorate for Water Management – West Aegean region to provide a copy of the order assigning an official responsible under the APIA and the job description of that official.
The refusal of the SM administrative secretary to provide information is unlawful 07.01.2016
By Decision as of 10 December 2015, the Administrative Court Sofia - City (ACSC) repealed the refusal of the Sofia Municipality administrative secretary to provide access to the mayor’s order regarding the organization and control over the record management and the implementation of the administrative tasks within the municipality.