The adoption and enforcement of the Access to Public Information Act (APIA) in 2000 not only provided for the procedure for provision of information by public bodies, but also legal ground for addressing the courts in cases when information was denied or the right of access is in some other way violated.


Since, under the APIA there is no Information Ombudsman, nor Info-Commissioner or other body overlooking the implementation of the act, oversight by courts is the only effective way of protecting the citizens’ right to information and to create court practice in cases where the public interest in disclosure overrides the protected interests of companies and persons working with budget money or EU funds.


Access to Information Programme has provided legal help and representation in court in nearly 400 strategic access to information cases.


You can find summaries of the most interesting litigation in this section. Analyses on access to information court developments, summaries of cases, and court documents are part of AIP series of books Access to Information Litigation in Bulgaria. Selected Cases.